When I started out I was going to do the basket-weave on both sides, but when I got to the 3 in the middle I decided to just leave the other side out (so that her ponytail wouldn't be uber thin) and I braided the remainder up to the ponytail. She loved it and kept talking about her pretty hair. I really liked the braided look and I think I will try something like that with all of the 'weaved' parts someday.
I was also very excited when I went to walgreens on Sunday to buy a razor rash cream for Dev that I heard was going to be back in stores (I hate paying for shipping, but it's the only kind that works for him), and I glanced down the hair aisle and they have started carrying more Shea Moisture products (before they only had the Deep Treatment Masque)! I was really excited. I just bought the Curl and Shine Kit (about 4 oz of each product) for 20 buck to see how I liked it. I refreashed Khari's hair after her nap with a spritz of water, a splash of the Hold and Shine Moisture Mist, and a dime sized amount of the Curl and Style Hair Milk.
I loved it. I think it smells really good and the mist did the trick on the front of her side pony that as you can see had already started to come out in the last picture. It's only been one day, but so far so good. I can't want to use this product more and try it on both kids for their wash tonight!
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