
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hair Carnival: Halloween!!!

My son wanted to be an elephant for Halloween this year. We went to the circus so I got this bright idea to be a circus family. I would be the ringmaster, TK the elephant, Khari a clown (I originally wanted to do this when she was a bit older), and Dev would be the strong man. In the end I never ended up making my costume so I just went as the over tired mother haha. I didn't do anything special to Khari's hair other than spraying it purple and glittery and clip the hat I made to her hair.

The back

TK in his elephant costume (He wouldn't wear the head)

Without the cheeks

I did not like this wig. It was HORRIBLE.

Check out these awesome bloggers as well!


Got Halloween photos to share? Get the linky code and link up!


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! How fun was that? Great idea :-)


Unknown said...

Very pretty!!!! Love the pictures!!!


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